
EPISODE6 - Girls Night In Radio - What if we had really dangerous jobs?

In this episode we covered what's on our ipods and answered some What If questions.


Rachel  - Beth Waters 
Jaime -  Stories from the Storm: Hurricane Katrin Survivors, In Their Own Words
Maggie - ABC Fall Premieres, Find on itunes in TV Shows

Extras - Deadliest Catch Video Podcast
            - The History Channel: Ice Road Truckers

What If:
What if you had to choose one of these two jobs - which would you pick?
What if you could have any view from your home, what would it be of?

What's Coming Up
The next show will be on Wednesday, October 1at 9:00 PM EST and we'll be reviewing Maggie's movie choice, "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day"

The What If Questions will be
What if you could live the life of any fictional character, which character would it be?
What if you were to be stranded forever on a desert island and could have only one book to read, which would you want?

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