EPISODE96 - Girls Night In Radio - Random Summer Randomness

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
It's getting hot in here
Maggie's new place
Smelling smoke
Rachel vs the fruit flies part 2
Harry Potter movies and books
Renting movies on iTunes
Netflix price increase
Burn Notice - how will Rachel watch it?
Blockbuster.com - how does it work?
Wishing September would stay far away
Hot glue guns
Mary's feedback
Rachel's job and grocery app
Maggie - App - Waterlogged
Rachel - Kina Grannis "Starwell"
Next Live Show
The Next Live Show will be Wednesday, August 3 at 10 PM EDT . We have no topic for that show so send us things to talk about.
Movie Review
The next movie will be Jaime's pick TBA