Episode 176 - Hey! No! Off!

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Maggie has a possible virus on her Mac
- Maggie has been watching Outlander
- When does Game of Thrones come back?
- Where is Spring?
- Hey! No! Off!
- Birdman
- nothing have been cancelled!
- Watching Walking Dead with no cable
- Glee
- Rachel has been listening to Invisibilia Podcast
- ipod picks -
- Maggie - Ella Henderson - Ghost from Chapter One album
- Rachel - Hangar - App Android
- Maggie's new pick - first ep of Outlander free!!!
Upcoming Episodes:
- Feb. 25 at 9 pm Vanilla Sky Review
- March 11 at 9 pm
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