Episode 160 - HBO 2 Go

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Four years ago, LOST ended
- all LOST - for a few minutes (no spoilers)
- we love DVRs and TiVos
- One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek
- Rachel learns which shows were cancelled earlier this month
- WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER SERIES!!! This makes Maggie happy, Rachel, not so much
- List of shows renewed and cancelled
- June calendar for shows
- TV talk - Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Summer TV, Game of Thrones
- HBO 2 GO
- We didn't record on Wednesday and its Rachel's fault
- ipod segment
- Maggie - Nashville Soundtrack season 2 vol 2, "I Ain't Leavin' Without Your Love"
- Rachel - NBC App
- weather!!!
- if you wanted a summer vacation, you chose the wrong profession
- Charming Charlie's (a jewerly store)
- Rachel's texting and emailing habits
- Winnning! (Not like Charlie Sheen)
- We discussed scheduling the podcast more
- We talk about skipping class in high school. One of us did, one of us didn't. Can you guess who is who?
Upcoming Episodes:
- June 4 - 9:00 pm - tentative because of schedules at the moment
- June 18 - Safe Haven Review - 9:00 pm
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