Episode 170 - Don't you know I'm difficult?

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Maggie's feet are cold and she can't find her slippers
- All movies should be on Netflix!
- Don't you know I'm difficult? yes, yes we do
- Next movie pick - Kinky Boots
- We've reviewed 4 movies this year so far
- last year we reviewed 8 movies
- Time change
- Small children and small dogs - deja vu
- Chloe chases a bunny at 3 am
- How do you call a bunny?
- Maggie doesn't know the T word
- blame the bunny
- Bunnys and Full Moons
- A little election talk
- Rachel rants about Wisconsin
- iPod picks
- Maggie - Taylor Swift's 1989 album
- Rachel - app - Pocket Casts
Upcoming Episodes:
- November 19th at 9:15 pm Kinky Boots Review
- December 3rd at 9:15 pm
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