Episode 206 - All Three of Us Together Again!

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- extraordinary!!!
- Jaime is here!
- internet talk/wifi talk
- finding time to watch tv
- Panda Pop - a game
- Gotta save the baby pandas
- Aly is going to be 11! and going to Jr High
- baby teeth in teeth
- are science fairs still a thing?
- gotta eat, gotta eat
- i'm not sure I know how to hang up
- Rachel ejects JME
- Melancholia is the Kirsten Dunst end of the world movie. its on netflix
- fun with Chloe
- litterally jumping with excitment
- ipod picks
- Jaime - app - Panda Pop
- Rachel - app - Hooks
- Maggie - 10% Happier with Dan Harris
- GAME OF THRONES Spoiler talk season 6 ep 1-2