Episode 179 - From Time To Time Review

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Issues with google sheets for show notes
- Rachel is a problem solver
- From Time to Time Review
- All the actors have been in other things. we count 7 have been in other things we haves seen
- Maggie's having computer issues
- Maggie explains our rating system in case you didn't know about it
- Tail to the face
- iPod
- Rachel - M-Go Movies + TV
- Maggie - Death, Sex, and Money Podcast
- Heard about it from Savage Love 436
- Maggie loves Cinderella (2015)
- We discuss our schedule and how we don't record over Maggie's Spring Break
- Audrey will be 4
- Chuck E Cheese
Upcoming Episodes:
- April 8th at 9 pm
- April 22nd at 9 pm The Odd Couple (1968) Review