
EPISODE84 - Girls Night In Radio - The one by the picnic table

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:

Ground Hogs Day is Confusing
Oriental Trading Company - National Doughnut Day
We don't like Doughnuts
"I'm Playing on my Touch"
Beach Houses for Jaime
Aly's obsessed with sharks too
Jaime's Bad with Directions
"It's 'All Natural', So's Arcenic!" - Jaime
"I Like to Eat" - Jaime
"it's by the Picnic Table" - Jaime
"Sea World's Number I" - Maggie
"Shut up it's Late" - Maggie
"It's a whole new kind of rude" - Rachel
"Second of all...shut up" - Maggie
"You should punch her in the mouth" - Rachel
"I live in 'Insane'"- Rachel
Netty Pots
Tonsil stones
"Rachel Learned how bad I am at geography this week," - Jaime
"Common sense, we're all doomed" - Flick
Winter weather
"I am moody, I'm incredibly impatient so I fit a Pisces to a T but I'm not a stupid fish" - Jaime
"I do know that I have a whole set of problems, that it's one of them" - Jaime
Survivor is starting soon
Charlie Sheen


Maggie - App - Oscars

Jaime - App- Trux Map Lite

Rachel - App - Campbell's Kitchen


EPISODE83 - Girls Night In Radio - What's your sign?

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:

We don't know whose hosting
Jaime-less again
Random deposit
Can we get a 2011 do over?
"I'm glad one of us has energy" - Rachel
Sewing patterns - Simplicity
Mad Men - Joan's size
Over weight kids
New Astrological Signs
"I certainly don't bring excitement into others' lives" - Rachel
"No you're not, I'm taking it from you!" - Maggie
"I'm not devious! I Wish" - Maggie
"You now know our birthdays, we expect presents!" - Maggie
"I'm lazier than she." - Rachel - "Well yeah" - Maggie
"If you don't come to the show, people can talk about you" - Rachel
Advise on getting caught up on podcasts
"600, I think I would just give up" - Maggie
"I love you dearly but she needs to listen to other things, not just you" - Maggie
"That's not cheating, I'm going to call it resourceful." - Rachel
"How did we get 54 minutes of nothing?" - Rachel
Tote bags!


Maggie - Rebecca Drysdale  "It Gets Better" & App - Thankfulfor

Rachel - KT Tunstall "Tiger Suit"


EPISODE82 - Girls Night In Radio - Nothing

In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:

Almost New Years
Maggie's had wine
There aren't a lot of Maggie's
Do iphones need screen protectors?
Have our gifts arrived?
"All I can make are rectangles" - Rachel
Christmas plans
Maggie's food allergies
Rachel Stumps her Weight Watchers leader
"Dag Nabbit!" - Rachel
Rachel's Fruit Tricks
"I'm all about fruit!" - Rachel
Green Bags
"OK, I suck. Someone look that up." - Rachel