Episode 222 - Maggie is grumpy
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at 9:30PM
Girls Night In Radio
In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Laborous
- Technology
- Maggie is grumpy
- Maggie wants a snow day
- weather talk
- smoking in Rachel's place
- Maggie's new obession - Victoria (tv show)
- Libriarians (TV show)
- Colony (TV Show)
- Scientiology and Aftermath
- Maggie loves West Wing
- TV watching
- Super Bowl
- Pizzas on Super Bowl
- ipod picks
- Maggie - Dear Sugar Radio
- Rachel - app - PBS news Hour
- Rachel becomes a robot and we end the show
Article originally appeared on Girls Night In Radio (http://girlsnightinradio.squarespace.com/).
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