Episode 211 - Zoolander Review
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 9:30PM
Girls Night In Radio
In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- confined
- Maggie's summer is almost over
- Rachel is looking at places to live
- movie review - Zoolander
- She didn't hate it! Yay
- Rachel likes it, Maggie doesn't
- next pick - Tallulah (a Netflix Orginial) not sure when the review will be yet. stay tuned!
- iPod Picks
- Maggie - Beatles/Paul McCartney and The Broadcast
- on the Tivo App, don't forget to scroll down
- Rachel - app - Rover
- Chloe at doggy day care
- Toysolopy portalable pet playpen puppy kennel
- Rachel watched Outlander season 1!
Upcoming Episodes:
- August 31st at 9:30 pm
- Septmeber 14th at 9:30 pm
Article originally appeared on Girls Night In Radio (http://girlsnightinradio.squarespace.com/).
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