Episode 182 - Yay for Learning New Things!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 9:00PM
Girls Night In Radio
In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- Maggie can hear the intro music! Thanks Mary!!
- yay for learning new things!!!
- Rachel's birthday
- Warm Weather
- Rachel trips a lot when she walks
- Turtle on playground!
- I wouldn't sex a turtle either
- back in the day, I used to be very good at sexing gerbils
- we got a voice mail! From Mary, an app, Super Better
- ipod picks
- Maggie - app - Peggle Blast
- Rachel - The New Screen Savers
- how many listeners do we have?
Upcoming Episodes:
- May 20 at 9 pm - Netflix's Daredevil (2015) season 1, epsiodes 1 and 2
- June 3 at 9 pm
Article originally appeared on Girls Night In Radio (http://girlsnightinradio.squarespace.com/).
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