Episode 156 - Punch-Drunk Love Review
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 9:00PM
Girls Night In Radio
In this episode of Girls Night In Radio we discussed a variety of random topics including:
- punchy Maggie! its skype's fault
- you need oxygen to live!
- no yawning! no burping! or farting!!
- Rachel is nicer than Maggie!
- Punch-Drunk Love review
- it was weird - we agree
- PSA - Don't give people your Social Security number. it for government use only!
- Rachel is all fired up about Barry giving his Social Security number away
- what is my Netflix password? - Maggie rocks - No my Netflix password is not a lie.
- ipod segment
- Maggie - my music collection
- Rachel - Before you Buy
- iTunes Radio had a Frozen Station!!!
- Rachel talks about NAS box
- Maggie is distracted because of the Veronica Mars movie
- we talk about weather
- Rachel loves Chloe
Upcoming Episodes:
- March 12th at 9:15 pm
- March 26th at 9:15 pm - Say Anything Review
Article originally appeared on Girls Night In Radio (http://girlsnightinradio.squarespace.com/).
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